4 things about sea salt

4 things about our
sea salt

A salt for every dish
During the development of our sea salt line, it was a fundamental belief we could make the right salt for every dish. That’s why there are 6 flavors available: Pure, Med Herbs, Citrus, Smoked, Vanilla and Capers & Tomato.

From the Greek Aegean Sea
Our salt is harvested from te Greek Aegean Sea, where it’s harvested from different locations based on weather conditions, tide and currents.

Hand harvested from the rocks
Harvesting from the rocks keeps the salt pure and adds nutritional minerals. By staying away from using machines, the salt stays in its natural, irregular shape.

Packaged in ceramic jars
Each of the salt flavors comes in a ceramic jar closed with a cork lid and contians 100 grams. For every salt flavor, the waves on the jar have a different color pattern.